Archaeological Assessment of
the Proposed Fiber Optic Cable landing
for Wailua, Kaua'i

William H. Folk and Hallett H. Hammatt
Cultural surveys Hawaii' for R. M. Towill Corporation
March 13, 1992

Cultural Surveys Hawai'i conducted an archaeological surface survey of a corridor of land on the island of Kaua'i extending from the ocean to Kuhio Highway through the Wailua Golf Course (TMK 3-9-portions plat 02 and 05) for the proposed fiber-optic transmission cable. No surface archaeological sites were found. The locations of two isolated human burials are known to be in the vicinity of the proposed cable corridor and others are known farther north near Lydgate Park and near the Wailua River. Single, random human internments are expected to be unearthed during trenching in the proposed corridor.

Groups of burials, i. e., cemeteries or conscribed graveyards, within the proposed corridors are not expected and subsurface testing strictly confined to the actual corridor of about 20 feet in width is recommended to confirm this after the exact corridor is surveyed and staked in the field.