of the Upper Wailua Hydroelectric
Project:Wailua, Kaua'i

Hallett H. Hammatt
Cultural Surveys Hawai'i for Bonneville Pacific Corp.
October 1988

An archaeological reconnaissance survey was conducted for a proposed hydropower project along the north branch of the north fork of the Wailua River on Kaua'i. The proposed project includes an approximately 8,000 foot long pipeline running down the stream valley from the outlet of the Hanalei-Wailua Water Tunnel to the confluence with the north fork of the Wailua River. 

In addition, a power line is planned to parallel existing roads and cane fields to an electric substation near the north fork of the river. No archaeological remains were located within the project area, but the area near the confluence of the two streams by the proposed power plant is a potential site for traditional irrigated agriculture. Although this locality was carefully examined for sites, terraces may lie under a thick mat of California grass. 

Some historic evidence suggest Hawaiian terracing of the upper tributaries of the Wailua River. For these reasons archaeological monitoring is recommended during vegetation clearing before construction in the confluence area. No further archaeological research or field work is recommended for other areas of the proposed project.