An Archaeological Survey
94 acres in Kilauea
Ko'olau District, Kaua'i

James H. Toenjes and Hallett H. Hammatt
Cultural Surveys Hawai'i for C. & F. Farming Company
December 1990

An archaeological survey with limited subsurface testing was conducted on 94 acres of land in Kilauea, Hanalei District, Kaua'i. Topography of the entire project area is flat with the exception of a shallow swale crossing its northern end. The project area lies between the community of Kilauea to the south and Crater Hill to the north and was part of Kilauea Sugar Plantation until 1971. Since that time the property has supported cattle and limited truck farming.

At the request of C. & F. Farming, a systematic walking survey was performed across the property supplemented by subsurface testing in three areas where material, initially thought to be cultural, was exposed on the ground surface. No structural remains or in situ deposits of historical or archaeological significance were observed, and shovel test excavations in each of the three areas above defined a plow zone overlying a developing horizon of clay loam in which no buried cultural deposits were present. On the basis of findings detailed in this report, no further archaeological work is recommended.