Mitigation and Development Plan
Russian Fort Alexander
Princeville, Hanalei
Hallett H. Hammatt and David W. Shideler
Cultural Surveys Hawai'i for Princeville Corporation
June 1989
The following is a summary list of recommendations made as
a part of this plan
- 01. Fencing of the Russian Fort during hotel renovation (this has already
been done).
- 02. Partial reconstruction of the Fort Alexander berm to recreate the
impression of a defensive enclosure.
- 03. Monitoring of grading and filling from berm reconstruction, and
of other demolition and construction activities to take place at the south
side of the fort.
- 04. Keeping all areas of the fort in lawn without trees or ornamental
- 05. Keeping underground utilities including irrigation pipes away from
the fort area.
- 06. Cutting the guava trees which surround the cliff face to improve
the view plane.
- 07. Making a walkway or path from the porte cochere to the display
gazebo through the opening in the berm.
- 08. Setting of a sign or plaque directing visitors from the port
cochere to the walkway of the fort.
- 09. Setting of a small plaque at each of the internal features of the
fort, the barracks (?) and the armory (?).
- 10. Renominate Fort Alexander to the State and National Registers of
Historic Places.
- 11. Construction of a display gazebo containing four (4) exhibit panels
along the inside walls of the structure with a model of Fort Alexander
and surrounding terrain in the center of the gazebo